

The man does not hold his word I banish thee from me hen\ce forth Coward. You and I are not alike. My sins always face me like a black mirror in every blink. Your’s drag somewhere off behind as you self-deprecate and ride nostalgia’s crashing waves. And in heightened emotions you cry Unstable. Neuroses is […]


Baby smooth cheek and chin electric trimmer in the bin looking to redesign find something real to redefine With little change comes little risk you bunker down with jars of piss You live alone, you sneeze alone but the world itself, you don’t let go It seems that hate illuminates the sheepish nature of primates […]


Not another false start, false promise. No I can’t continue. And though my wits end came a long time ago, I continued then with no change, and in full awareness of everything that was wrong with me. Believing that the tragedy of it was a lie that I manufactured. Ignoring the slowly increasing despair, and […]

the wrench

How do you improve? You put your first foot forward, though you fear the second won’t follow. But it does, and now you’re here. Progress crawls in its infancy. A child has no choice but to grow; a man can stay a child forever. Action taken is a fantasy lived in between every thought and […]


So everyone hates you. How cool is that? The courage to be disliked can only get you so far. A part of me hates people too. Some people I loathe. But usually I shut that part of the brain down, anchoring it to the unspoken. I always want to forgive and forget, let it slide. […]


What led me to it? Or it to me. Is this overstated? Probably. Circumstances had to be, such as they seemed, meaningless, unless proven otherwise in the court of the mind. Life changing, dying and birthing trauma stained timelines, adding character to the over stretched dura mater. Life is a blessing because of it’s curse. […]

heaven lies below

Life continues to defy nature. The world is a test in exhaustion. Your isolation starts with a rational thought. The claustrophobia seeps into your dreams at night and transmutes into a symbolic rage. Bloodshed and heroism in defiance of false guilt. Waking not to anger, but to an aching submission to the flow of time, […]

man on the moon

I never thought much about race or identity politics prior to college. But if I did, I was proud of existing within such a melting pot. I knew that it was a complicated issue, but I was optimistic about it all, like things could only get better as time went on. There was a beauty […]

the flea

There once lived a mouse. Who thought his whole life was embarrassing. He remembered always thinking, ‘do I really deserve to be a mouse? I feel more like a flea. Other mice played their mouse games as naturally and tirelessly as they did, while this mouse would watch them with awe and respect. At night, […]


I want to drink. And I will. The nausea. I went dry for 3 months. I really did, totally sober. The time just flew. Cravings only exist when the taste is still on the tongue. At a loss for words again. I wonder how vapid my mind really is. It’s just a strange loop. Everything […]