

The man does not hold his word

I banish thee from me hen\ce forth


You and I are not alike.

My sins always face me like a black mirror in every blink.

Your’s drag somewhere off behind as you self-deprecate and ride nostalgia’s crashing waves.

And in heightened emotions you cry


Neuroses is present.

It ravages for shreds of meaning

And when it comes I’m sure it doesn’t last.

You cower in groups and exchange

Vain worship as a dopa-maniacle love,

And Instead of sensible loving, it boasts

more in a tune of

“please love me”.

Its sad to see

The faults in one so plainly,

Several states away and I can sense…


Is that why you don’t keep your word?

Compelled by the shame of what you know

I am too keen to see, or to ignore.

And exactly where have you been?

Away long enough for one to form

Conspiracies to demonstrate a reason for

Distrust?  Dislike?  some gossip heard or spoke?

And yet I seem to feel assured,

If only by my own instincts

That some strange reason lies below,

A sickness that the shame stems from,

A secret that keeps you away

Despite kind nothings sent my way.

Your nothing but a stranger growing stranger

And talk doesn’t demonstrate

A damn thing except to damn you further


Into realms of wasted time

And manic states.

I cannot waste my time.

I dream of you often

Like some pilar of subconsciousness

I can’t say why.

But a part of you exists in mind

An archetype of some kind

Your image means something

More than my conscious mind

Can justify

I guess I would want you to know

It’s not all cold.

There is a thread, it’s xclear to see.

I see it.


and graze it with a sheer

In time before

A thin thread bares weight

And takes the tower with it.