
Baby smooth cheek and chin 
electric trimmer in the bin
looking to redesign
find something real to redefine

With little change comes little risk
you bunker down with jars of piss
You live alone, you sneeze alone
but the world itself, you don't let go

It seems that hate illuminates
the sheepish nature of primates
and this primate would hate to say 
that righteous hate does isolate

The word is wrong it's more distaste
for triteness in it's every shape
for tolerance in logics place
for softness leading to great waste

What do I care how others think
'Other's' being a concept
I've conjured to identify
a part of me that's in disguise

It's all inside and nothings real
perceptions of their failed ideal
the narrative is waring me
I'd rather keep my eyes to sea

have softer sand beneath my feet
A house where I can make my peace
focus on maturity
and seek out the next puzzle piece.